Laser Peening For Shipyard Industry
Laser Peening System For Shipyard Industry
If you are looking for laser shock peening, laser peen forming, laser bond inspection system For Shipyard Industry in India. We United Spectrum company is an official partner for the LSP Technologies Inc. (USA) company products & services in India and offers the worlds best laser peening system to our clients in India.
Laser Peening For Shipyard Industry
Laser Peening is proven to extend the service lifetime of common shipbuilding metals like aluminum and steel by fighting failures like sensitization, corrosion, and fatigue cracking. Fatigue failure is a result of dynamic loads placed on different components of a ship. These failures are costly to repair and put the ship out of commission for far too long. Laser peening and laser peen forming applications can save time and money by efficiently protecting parts and extending the life of important aspects of the ship.
-  • Protection
-  • Fatigue Life Improvement
-  • Stress Corrosion Cracking
-  • Metal Shape Forming
-  • Decrease Downtime
-  • Proven ROI
World’s Best Laser Shock Peening System In India
-  • Most Advanced Technology
-  • High Quality
-  • High Reliable
-  • Good Support
-  • Made in U.S.A
- Ship Hull
Engines & Propulsion Systems
Ship Structure
Welded Joints
Bilge Keels
Metal Shape Forming
- Up to 10x Component Life Improvement
- Prevents Costly Failures
- Precisely Controlled and Localized Process
- Decreases Downtime
- Enables the Design of Lighter Weight Components
- Reaches a Depth 10x Deeper Than Other Surface Enhancement Technologies
- Titanium Alloys
- Steel Alloys
- Stainless Steels
- Nickel Alloys
- Aluminum Alloys
- Carburized And Nitrided Steels
For Laser Peening and Laser Shock Peening System enquiry and to discuss more about your application requirement, with one of our laser engineer. To know Laser Peening Systems | Laser Shock Peening Machine price,  Please call us direct on +91 9789904948 or Visit our regional office or complete the request form and we will contact you, as soon as possible. We United Spectrum company also offer the best quality laser marking, laser cutting, laser texturing, laser engraving, laser cleaning, laser welding, laser cladding, laser hardening, laser shock peening, laser micro machines in India.